Biblical Studies


BIBL1105: Introduction to Biblical Studies

Credits 3
An introduction to the serious study of the Bible in its historical, cultural, and literary context. The course emphasizes the essential content, structure, and theological message of the books of the Bible. Students are introduced to the practice of biblical exegesis and to the geography and archaeology of the lands of the Bible. This course is designed for general students.

BIBL3155: Biblical Interpretation

Credits 3

A study of the history, methods, and principles of biblical interpretation. Students will develop skills in interpreting different genres in both the Old and New Testaments. Other topics include the authority of the Bible as the Church's Scriptures and the relationship between the Testaments.

Prerequisite Courses

Program admission

BIBL3260: Life and Teachings of Jesus

Credits 3

A study of the life and ministry of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels with special attention to background, exegesis and theological interpretation. Personal and social implications leading to spiritual formation and social responsiveness will be emphasized. This course is designed for general students.


BIBL4445: Old Testament Studies

Credits 3

An exegetical study of a selected corpus of Old Testament literature. The course will include an overview of the historical period within which these materials arose and specific attention to interpretive issues with regard to these materials.

Prerequisite Courses

Program admission

BIBL6094: Topics in Biblical Studies

Credits 3 4
This course introduces interdisciplinary material in Biblical Studies of particular relevance to the core curriculum. Topics may vary. May be repeated for a different topic.

BIBL6599: Independent Study

Credits 3 4
Study of an assigned topic or guided research as directed by a graduate faculty member. Approval of department director required.

BIBL6760: Old Testament Interpretation

Credits 3
This course introduces key strategies and exegetical tools particular to interpreting the Old Testament. Students will develop exegetical skills and the ability to recognize Scripture's theological texture through study of selected texts from the different genres of the Old Testament.

BIBL6860: New Testament Exegesis

Credits 3

This course focuses on key strategies and exegetical tools particular to interpreting the New Testament and its theology. Specific attention will be given to either New Testament narratives or letters. (Only students in the Five-Year Pastor-Scholar Program are eligible to take this course.)

BIBL7290: Grounded in the Living Word: Scripture and the Christian Life

Credits 4
This course explores the dynamics and power of Scripture in spiritual formation, personal transformation, and the Christian life. A key aspect of this course is an understanding and development of biblical hermeneutical principles and practices that focus not only on the biblical text's content but also on its potential effects as part of the church's Scripture. In addition to learning about life with God from Scripture, successful students can gain competence in listening to the spirit of the text, move from informational reading to transformational reading, and learn to engage Scripture in ways that grasp and change one's being and doing.

BIBL7760: New Testament Interpretation

Credits 3
This course introduces key strategies and exegetical tools particular to interpreting the New Testament. Students will develop exegetical skills and the ability to recognize Scripture's theological texture through study of selected texts from the different genres of the New Testament.

BIBL8090: Advanced Biblical Exegesis

Credits 3

An in-depth exegetical study of Old Testament or New Testament books. The course will emphasize the historic occasion, purpose, and theological message of the selected biblical books. It will survey relevant contemporary biblical hermeneutics. It will utilize inductive, grammatical, historic-critical, literary, and reader-oriented exegetical methods. The course will self-consciously focus on interpretation within and for the believing community.


BIBL6000 or BIBL7000 level course

BIBL9220: The Church in Biblical Perspective

Credits 4

This course explores the biblical texts regarding the different images and theological understandings of the Church mentioned in those materials. Since the New Testament draws extensively from the literary materials and theological understanding of Israel as the people of God as reflected in the Old Testament, this course will include materials throughout the Christian canon and critical reflection on divergent and/or similar concepts, themes, and images found within the biblical texts.

BIBL9220S: La Iglesia Desde la Perspectiva Bíblica

Credits 4

Este curso explora los textos bíblicos en relación con las diferentes imágenes y comprensión teológicas de la Iglesia mencionadas en esos materiales. Dado que el Nuevo Testamento se basa en gran medida en los materiales literarios y la comprensión teológica de Israel como el pueblo de Dios tal como se refleja en el Antiguo Testamento, este curso incluirá materiales de todo el canon cristiano y una reflexión crítica sobre conceptos, temas divergentes y/o similares, e imágenes que se encuentran dentro de los textos bíblicos. 

BIBL9320: The Biblical Witness of Equality, Liberation, and Empowerment

Credits 4

This course will examine texts from across the Protestant Christian canon (OT and NT) that directly speak to the tradition of equality, liberation and empowerment of all persons, especially those from historically marginalized communities. The class will critique interpretations of biblical texts that have been used to argue for the hierarchy of men over women and the subjugation of various people groups. The course will explore methods for faithful interpretation that celebrate a Wesleyan theological anthropology, which acknowledges the full humanity of all persons as created in God's image.

BIBL9320S: El Testimonio Bíblico de Igualdad, Liberación y Empoderamiento

Credits 4

Este curso examinará textos de todo el canon cristiano protestante (AT y NT) que hablan directamente de la tradición de igualdad, liberación y empoderamiento de todas las personas, especialmente aquellas de comunidades históricamente marginadas. La clase criticará las interpretaciones de los textos bíblicos que se han utilizado para defender la jerarquía de los hombres sobre las mujeres y la subyugación de los pueblos. El curso explorará métodos para una interpretación fiel y verdadera que celebra una antropología teológica wesleyana, que reconoce la plena humanidad de todas las personas creadas a la imagen de Dios.