College of Theology & Christian Ministries


Tomás Álvarez
Joseph Bankard
Joe Gorman
Timothy Hahn
Mike Kipp
Diane Leclerc
Marty Michelson
Brent Peterson
Mary Schmitt

Mission - Graduate School of Theology

As an expression of its commitment to historic Christianity from a Wesleyan perspective, the College of Theology and Christian Ministries educates and prepares women and men for lives of faith, ministry, and service in the world and in the Church. The mission of the program includes personal and spiritual formation.

Misión - La Escuela de Posgrado en Teología

Como expresión de su compromiso con el cristianismo histórico desde una perspectiva wesleyana, la Facultad de Teología y Ministerios Cristianos educa y prepara a mujeres y hombres para una vida de fe, ministerio y servicio en el mundo y en la Iglesia. La misión del programa incluye la formación personal y espiritual.

Purpose Statement - Graduate School of Theology

Northwest Nazarene University's Graduate School of Theology exists to provide graduate theological education to pastors and church leaders who serve the Church of the Nazarene in the Northwest educational region, and the wider Christian and global community.

Mission - Christian Ministry Online

Northwest Nazarene University is a recognized leader among Christian liberal arts universities in online higher education. NNU offers a Christian Ministry major, with an optional Family Ministry minor, using our online learning platform. This ministry degree program:

  • Allows all coursework to be completed online with no residential requirements.
  • Accepts transfer of college credits from regionally accredited institutions (for details see transfer of credits under Undergraduate Academic Perspectives).
  • Meets all educational requirements for ordination in the Church of the Nazarene.

The statement is expressed in the program outcomes:

  • Religious Heritage (RH): Students will understand and explain Wesleyan-Holiness theology as it relates to Scripture, Christian tradition, reason, and experience for the practice of ministry.
  • Cultural Context (CC): Students will identify the cultural context of ministry and assess it through appropriate theological perspectives by comparing existing cultures with alternative cultural expressions. Students will also develop personal and corporate practices consistent with the reign of God.
  • Personal and Spiritual Formation (PSF): Students will practice the means of grace (spiritual disciplines) that lead to emotional and spiritual health, personal Christian virtue, and responsible social engagement.
  • Ministerial/Public Leadership (MPL): Students will integrate Christian theological themes with the understanding and practice of ministry and leadership.

Mission - Course of Study (non-degree)

NNU's Course of Study program (COS) is ministerial training done via an online learning management system (LMS).  The modules (courses) are provided by the Clergy Development Office of the USA and Canada Region of the Church of the Nazarene.  Each module is produced by a recognized, experienced educator in the Church of the Nazarene.  These modules are written for delivery in a classroom setting and have been adapted for presentation online.

Programs Offered by Degree Level

Graduate and Graduate Certificates
