Credit for Prior Learning Assessment - Undergraduates

Students aged 23 or older who desire undergraduate credit for learning obtained through professional experience can provide a portfolio to demonstrate learning.  A student may also enroll in the course PELA1005, Prior Learning Assessment (3 cr). In the course the student may develop a portfolio which will assess college level learning; a student may name the course(s) for which they desire to receive credit, write an assessment of general learning they have received from experience, or take a variety of exams designed to assess learning.

After payment of appropriate fees, the portfolio will be submitted to a faculty evaluator who is a content expert. The evaluator will determine if and how much credit will be awarded. If credit is awarded, the course title, the number of credits, and the grade of (P) will be added to the student's transcript.

Credits earned through prior learning assessment may be counted toward NNU degrees but may not be included in the residency requirement for graduation. No quality points will be assigned to credits earned in this manner. Credit may not be obtained through prior learning assessment for courses which have already been transcripted. A student may not receive credit through prior learning assessment for a course which is a prerequisite for a course already taken nor for an equivalent university course already taken. Graduate credits may not be earned through this process.