Education Specialist

Education Specialist: Leadership and Organizational Development

Program Description

30 minimum semester credits required. More credits may be required depending on the program director's evaluation of the student's previous master's degree.

The Ed.S. Leadership and Organizational Development program is designed for those individuals who already possess a master's degree and are interested in leadership roles within higher education, community or organizational development, or business.  The program would be utilized by those candidates who desire to enter the NNU doctoral programs and have a desire to pursue coursework and a degree within leadership and organizational development.

Each candidate's study plan would be individualized to meet their needs and interests through a series of electives (9 credits) that result in a cognate from:  

  • Education
  • Business
  • Religion

General courses come from both the building administration and superintendent programs.  The electives may come from other Graduate Education department programs or from other NNU graduate programs. 

Students completing the Ed.S. Leadership and Organizational Development must compile and submit an academic portfolio prior to graduation as evidence of their knowledge, skills, and fluencies in the field.  The portfolio is a project that gathers and displays a series of assignments and projects completed from courses in the program.  In addition, all students will provide a personal reflective paper that synthesizes their work as well as growth throughout this program.  The portfolio project allows the student to mesh the theories and practices of teaching and learning throughout the graduate work. Students may choose to develop their academic portfolio to promote their professional and technical skills in a manner that would be attractive to potential employers. However, the primary goal of this academic portfolio is to assess whether students have met the minimal criteria expected of a successful Ed.S. graduate.

This online program utilizes a cohort model which allows students to plan their schedules ahead of time and allows them to continue working full-time in their position while completing the program. Students typically complete the program in less than 18 months depending on the chosen cognate.  This program includes a 150-hour internship supervised by an administrator within the organization or institution.  This internship must be approved by the chosen organization or institution as well as the NNU program director.  

Required Courses for Ed.S. Leadership and Organizational Development (Online)

A total of 30 credits are required as follows:

Core Requirements (18 credits)

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

EDUC8679: 3 credits cumulative: may be taken 1-3 credits per semester.

Educational Leadership Elective (3 credits)

Elective Options (select a minimum of 3 credits)

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Students select 9 credits from only one of the following cognate options:

Cognate Options in Business (select a minimum of 9 credits):

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Application Requirements - Ed.S. Leadership and Organizational Development

The following requirements must be received by Admissions a minimum of one week before classes start, and are online, mailed or emailed as indicated. For mail: Northwest Nazarene University, Attention Graduate Admissions, 623 S. University Boulevard, Nampa, ID, 83686. For email: Transcripts can be received through email if sent from an accepted digital credentialing service, such as Parchment or the National Student Clearinghouse.

  1. Online: application and $50 non-refundable application fee.
  2. Mail, or email from a digital service: official transcripts from the regionally accredited institution(s) where candidate received a master’s degree. (We do not accept faxed transcripts.)
  3. Email or mail: a copy of candidate’s teaching certificate if applicable.
  4. Online: two recommendation forms completed by professional colleagues. 
  5. Online: one supervisor recommendation form. All recommendation forms must be completed by different individuals.
  6. Online: evidence of writing competency through an essay based on the essay guidelines.

Admission Requirements - Ed.S. Leadership and Organizational Development

  1. A master's degree from a regionally accredited college or university. 
  2. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 in the master's program.
  3. Approval by the Graduate Education Admissions Committee.

The Graduate Education Admissions Committee may approve exceptions to regular admission requirements.

Graduation Requirements - Ed.S. Leadership and Organizational Development

  1. Credits must be earned in courses numbered 6000 or above. Continuing education courses and pass/fail courses (except those specified for degree completion) do not apply toward the degree. Exceptions for substitutions from other institutions may be approved by the program director.
  2. The candidate must complete requirements as specified in the degree major. The degree must be completed within six years of beginning course work. If the degree is not completed within six years, the candidate must reapply to the program. Credits older than six years may need to be retaken.
  3. The candidate must apply for graduation one full semester prior to anticipated degree completion. Deadlines: June 1 for Fall; October 15 for Spring; and January 15 for Summer.
Total Credits