

HIST1030: The World and the West I

Credits 3
Begins with the classical eras, both east and west (ca. 600 BC) and ends in about 1600. The course goal is two-fold: to understand both the primary cultural heritages of the world and their growing interconnectedness, and to put the energy and distinctiveness of the Western tradition into perspective with other political worlds and religious world-views.

HIST1040: The World and the West II

Credits 3
Begins in 1600 and proceeds to the present, trying to understand and assess the parallel and increasing interactive developments in the West and other parts of the world. Colonial enterprises of many types interact with indigenous cultures and systems in what we now call "third world" areas. Nation-building, with competitive empires, affects Europe, Africa and Asia. Very different independence struggles punctuate 19th and 20th century history.

HIST2030: United States History to 1877

Credits 3

An introduction to American history from the period of exploration and colonization to the conclusion of reconstruction. Major themes and events include the European settlement of North America, Native American responses to European development of colonial America, the war for American independence, nation-building in the Early Republic, the development of slavery, Western expansion, and the Civil War and reconstruction.

HIST2040: United States History since 1877

Credits 3

An introduction to American history from the conclusion of reconstruction to recent times. Major themes include Western expansion, industrialization and urbanization, imperialism, two world wars, American life between the wars, radicalism and revolt, and the post-Cold War world.

HIST3010: Recent America

Credits 3

An in-depth exploration of modern America from 1945 to the present emphasizing the political, economic, diplomatic, and social aspects of the period. The course will investigate the origins of the Cold War, McCarthyism, increasing presidential power, the U.S. and the Third World, the civil rights struggle, women's movement, student revolts, Vietnam, Watergate, and the New Right and post-Cold War America.

Prerequisite Courses

Prerequisite course or Instructor's approval.

HIST3020: Modern Europe (1800-Present)

Credits 3

An in-depth exploration of Europe from the political and industrial revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries through contemporary European society and culture, including 19th century "isms" (romanticism, liberalism, socialism, nationalism, imperialism) and world wars.

HIST3250: History of American Culture

Credits 3

An examination of the social currents of American thought and culture, emphasizing ideas and concepts that have influenced the development and growth of American institutions and values from the colonial era to the present. General themes include gender values, race relations, and class conflicts.

Prerequisite Courses

Prerequisite course or Instructor's approval

HIST3330: U.S. Foreign Policy

Credits 3
An in-depth examination of the factors influencing the U.S. as a participant in the international system, especially from the end of World War II to the present. Topics include U.S. foreign policy and ideology, domestic politics and interest groups, public opinion and the media, and historical events considered chronologically. (See POLS3330.)

HIST3580: Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for students to observe and teaching a secondary classroom. (See EDUC7658) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsement areas