Social Work

The Master of Social Work program at Northwest Nazarene University offers the working professional an opportunity to complete a master's degree through an extended program of study. This is a part-time program that is ideal for those with work or family responsibilities. Students admitted in the Fall at the Generalist level may complete their coursework in seven semesters (28 months), while students admitted with Advanced Standing status may complete their coursework in four semesters (16 months). Generalist students admitted in the Spring will complete their coursework in eight semesters (30 months), while the Advanced Standing (Specialist) students will complete their coursework in five semesters (18 months).  Summer attendance is required for all students. Available at NNU's Nampa campus, our distance learning location in Idaho Falls, and online synchronously (virtual attendance) for those who live more than 40 miles from either classroom location. The primary goal of the program is to prepare students for specialized social work practice in rural and small-town settings. Students who attend from any state other than Idaho are advised to check the NC Sara standards to discover if there are additional requirements to become licensed in their state.

Students will be able to choose from two concentrations:

  • Clinical Mental Health and Addictions (CMHA)
  • Integrated Clinical and Community Practice (ICCP)

Northwest Nazarene University's social work program is nationally accredited at the undergraduate and graduate level by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).

Program Characteristics

Class sizes vary based on the type of course but are typically 20 students per class.

Students are enrolled using the cohort model.  However, substantial flexibility is available for those who request a part-time schedule.

Normally, students are enrolled in 10-12 credits each semester, including courses in practice, human behavior, policy, applied research, field instruction, and electives. Students must also take courses in the summer, which is an 8-week semester. Summer enrollment is usually 3 to 6 credits. Some electives are available in late summer as well.

The methodology is based upon the assumption that the faculty and student are equally responsible for learning. Students are expected to be self-directed, goal-oriented, and interested in applied learning.

The key to applied learning is application; all students, therefore, are expected to integrate theory and academic content with knowledge from research projects, work, and practicum experiences. Evaluation of progress is based not only on the evidence of grasping content but also upon evidence of application of content in the workplace and internship setting.  All students must pass internship(s) to graduate.


Grounded in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, the mission of the Northwest Nazarene University MSW program is to prepare graduates for advanced micro, mezzo, and macro practice, professional leadership, and life-long learning by providing a knowledge-based and value-informed education that emphasizes advanced practice with diverse and oppressed populations living in rural and small-town communities.

Program Goals

  • To nurture in students a Christlike worldview which embraces the values and ethics of the profession, including personal integrity, global diversity, a just society, and spiritual enrichment.
  • To cultivate in students a passion for alleviating discrimination, poverty, oppression, and all other forms of injustice for at-risk populations, especially those living in rural and small-town settings.
  • To prepare students for advanced social work practice in rural and small-town settings through the presentation of a comprehensive curriculum which includes generalist and specialized content for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
  • To provide students with a quality education and field experience (internship) in a creative learning environment that promotes the development and application of the Council on Social Work Education core competencies at both generalist and specialized levels (

Student Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.
  • Engage diversity and difference in practice.
  • Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
  • Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
  • Engage in policy practice.
  • Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
  • Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
  • Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
  • Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
  • Demonstrate understanding of rural social work practice.

Integrated Clinical and Community Practice (ICCP)

The purpose of this track is to combine training in a variety of fields of practice for students who are interested in clinical or community MSW practice but not exclusively psychotherapy. The track includes content on integrated behavioral health, child welfare, medical, social work, criminal justice, and macro practice. It also includes content at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of practice in these areas. The systems mentioned typically have crossover in client populations and also have similarities in practice approaches. The goal of this concentration is to help students understand how to practice in one or more of these areas of social work, including locations where they are co-located with other disciplines, while also appreciating the other systems with which their clients are likely to interact. A significant focus is on brief therapy and crisis intervention. Additionally, students will gain meaningful instruction on macro social work.

Field placement (internship) opportunities for child welfare include public and private child welfare agencies, juvenile justice programs, court settings, schools, and foster care, integrated behavioral health, and adoption agencies.  Field placement opportunities for healthcare include VA clinics, dialysis centers, emergency rooms, community health clinics, home health and hospice agencies, and hospitals.  Field placement opportunities for criminal justice include county, state, and federal jails and prisons, juvenile justice programs, and court settings.  Students interested in macro practice can experience field placement opportunities in almost any setting.  Specific agencies providing macro-opportunities include NASW, AARP, Salvation Army, and Health and Welfare.

Students in this track will complete 600 internship hours. A student can choose to complete all 600 hours in one area of practice (child welfare, healthcare, criminal justice) or split hours between two areas of practice.  Ideally, all 600 hours should be completed in the same agency, but certain circumstances may warrant allowing a student to complete placement hours at two agencies. 

Clinical Mental Health and Addictions

This concentration prepares students to provide psychotherapy and addictions services for individuals, families, and groups in rural and small-town settings.  Students learn applicable theories for working in a behavioral health setting and have multiple opportunities to practice the application of those theories.  Students also receive knowledge and skill development to develop professional relationships with diverse clients with alcohol, drug abuse, and/or behavioral addictions.  Specific content on trauma-focused practice and play therapy is included, in addition to content on macro practice in community mental health or addictions settings.  Field placement (internship) opportunities include community mental health agencies, inpatient mental health or addictions treatment settings, outpatient substance abuse treatment, or co-occurring mental health and addictions treatment.

Internship Expectations: Students in this track will complete 600 internship hours.  A student can choose to complete all 600 hours in one area of practice (mental health or addictions) or split hours between both mental health and addictions.  Ideal placements would provide students with experience in dual diagnosis treatment.  All 600 hours should be focused on micro and mezzo practice, though students may count some macro hours as needed by their particular placement site.

Admission Requirements

Prospective students from all academic disciplines are invited to apply to the Master of Social Work program. Those admitted to the graduate social work program may be admitted with Generalist status or Advanced Standing (Specialist) status, depending on the major or discipline associated with their bachelor's degree. They may apply to start in the Fall or Spring semester. Prospective students requesting admission to the program with either status must submit the following:

  1. Background check, as explained on the Social Work application website. (Any applicant with a felony involving moral turpitude will not be admitted to the program. Applicants with any felony background may be asked to provide additional information to be considered for admittance. An applicant may be denied admittance if such background would mean the applicant is unable to be licensed as a social worker in Idaho.)
  2. Proof of academic achievement. A four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university is a prerequisite for admission to the Northwest Nazarene University Graduate Social Work program. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 is expected, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the applicant's major field of study. Students with a cumulative GPA lower than 2.75 may be considered for admission, provided that the GPA from the junior and senior years of their baccalaureate program is 3.0 or higher. (Note: Prospective students who do not meet the GPA requirement for admission may be asked to provide additional information to be considered for admittance.)
  3. Evidence of having successfully completed (grade of C or higher) a minimum of 21 semester credits from the following liberal arts areas: psychology, sociology, ecology, political science, law, economics, business, statistics, research, and oral or written communication.
  4. Evidence of potential to practice social work, such as submission of evaluation material from field supervisors in the applicant's baccalaureate program, letters of recommendation from supervisors in professional employment settings (or full-time volunteer settings, e.g., VISTA), letters of recommendation from faculty in a related field of study (e.g., religion, psychology, sociology, etc.).
  5. Advanced Standing (Specializist) applicants who have earned a BSW more than five years before applying to the MSW program will be required to take the Generalist level courses. If an applicant has been employed in a social work position since graduation, some course waivers may be considered. Applicants with master's degrees in other disciplines may also request some course waivers.
  6. Personal statement/writing sample.
  7. Basic knowledge of computer technology, including good word processing skills and virtual/online meetings.
  8. Strong evidence of a fit between the applicant, the program, and the field of social work as determined through a review of application materials and participation in the departmental interview process.
  9. All applicants will participate in an interview with one of the MSW faculty members which will include a role-play interaction with a pretend client. 

Please note: Academic credit is not given for life or work experiences.

Transfer of Credits

A maximum of 25% of the credit hours required for the degree may be transferred from another CSWE accredited institution. All transfer credits must have received at least a "B" letter grade and be approved by the program director. Credits must have been earned within five years preceding the date of admission.

Note: A student who has completed the entire Generalist curriculum at another university within the last five years may be permitted to transfer all Generalist courses.

Graduate Social Work Program Expectations for Student Learning

CSWE standards and the NASW Code of Ethics will be followed.

Students are expected to consult with faculty advisors to discuss learning goals and progress toward those goals during their graduate education. Students are expected to see the program coordinator for class selections.

Students are required to maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA and students must also remain in compliance with the Professional Disposition Criteria during the entire MSW program of study to remain in "good standing." Refer to academic standing and dismissal policy.

All written reports and term papers are to be prepared in a manner that reflects the most recent APA formatting with an emphasis on grammar as identified in the syllabus. Plagiarism will be dealt with through the Professional Disposition Criteria and may result in removal from the program. It will also be reported to the Office of Academic Affairs.

Specialized students (in all concentrations) must participate in counseling for 8-10 consecutive sessions with a master's level, licensed mental health provider.  These must be completed during the two semesters of the specialized internship.  The completed sessions are prerequisites to enrollment in Capstone and/ or receiving a final grade for Thesis.

An important component of the Social Work program is to challenge students' current perspectives and biases.  This is done through presentations by guest speakers, videos, or readings that might be considered objectionable or offensive to some individuals outside of an educational environment.  The issues that might be raised by these activities will be processed in class discussions.  If these activities trigger an emotional response for particular students, this can be processed privately with professors or counselors as needed.  No exceptions or alternative assignments are available nor will be accepted.

Absence Policy: Perfect attendance is expected in all courses. All classes include a requirement of participation.  When an absence occurs, the ability to make up work is not guaranteed (e.g., quizzes, tests, presentations, etc.).  Decisions related to making up work are at the discretion of the instructor of the class. The maximum participation points that can be earned through makeup work is 80%.  Any student with chronic patterns of absence will be subject to probation or dismissal based on lack of professionalism.  Students who have a major life event (birth of a child, the death of an immediate family member, military deployment, extended illness, etc.) resulting in multiple absences may request a leave from classes.  A student in this situation may petition for a grade of incomplete, at which time the student may need to attend part or all of the class the next time it is offered (not re-register) or negotiate an independent study completion with his or her professor(s), if available.  An administrative withdrawal may be administered if a student misses more than 20 percent of class attendance. 

​Snow Policy: Official decisions about the closure of the Nampa campus due to weather will be communicated to all students from the Social Work office at least one hour prior to the beginning of class on a given day. Attempts will be made to make this announcement at least two hours prior. Barring the closure of the Nampa campus, classes will be held regardless of the weather. When inclement weather occurs in Idaho Falls, students attending class there are expected to make an informed decision about the safety of attending class on a given day. In the event that a student determines it is unsafe to attend class, the student should notify the professor at least one hour prior to the beginning of class. The student may be required to attend the class online. Otherwise, the student is responsible for getting content from the professor for the missed class.

Late Work Policy: Students are expected to turn in all work on or before the due date. Students are responsible for contacting the instructor as soon as possible concerning events that may impact course requirements and deadlines. Late assignments will be marked down one letter grade per day and will not be accepted after five calendar days from the due date. Instructors will handle exceptions or chronically late submissions of assignments on an individual basis.

Social Media Policy: Our social media policy is as recommended by NASW Standards for Technology in Social Work Practice, 4.04 Social Media Policies. ​“When using online social media for educational purposes, social work educators shall provide students with guidance about ethical considerations. Interpretation: When using social media for educational purposes, it is important for students to understand how to use social media in a professional manner. The type of language, personal disclosures, and ways of communicating that students use for personal purposes may not be appropriate for the classroom or professional social work purposes. Social work educators should inform students about organizational policies and relevant standards related to confidentiality, demonstrating respect, academic integrity, copyright and plagiarism, maintaining appropriate boundaries, and upholding other social work ethical standards.


Generalist Standing: Students who enter the Master of Social Work program from disciplines other than social work are given Generalist Standing. Students who completed their BSW degree more than five years prior to enrollment will be expected to enter the program at the Generalist level. These students must take (or retake) courses to lay a foundation for the specialized level social work courses. These generalist courses are taken during the first three semesters of the program.  A student who received a BSW or B.A. in a related field (e.g., psychology) may request a waiver of select generalist courses, which will be assessed by the program director.  Generalist field experience may be waived for any applicant with a BSW or B.A. in social work from a CSWE-accredited program who has been employed in the social work field.  NNU Generalist students will take a comprehensive assessment prior to continuing to the Specialized year.

Advanced Standing: The Advanced Standing option was developed to recognize the academic accomplishments of applicants who have completed a B.A. in Social Work or a BSW from a college or university accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. Criteria for admission to Advanced Standing status are the same as generalist status admission requirements with the addition of the following requirements:

  • Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for the last 90 quarter credits or last 60 semester credits in their baccalaureate program.
  • A grade of B- (2.7) or higher is required in all upper division social work classes. Any classes with anything lower than a B- will have to be re-taken NNU Generalist level.
  • Applicants must have completed their BSW within five years of enrollment in this MSW program.  Applicants who completed their degree more than five years prior to enrollment will be expected to enter the program at the Generalist level.  Depending on practice experience, Generalist Field and some Generalist courses may be waived.
  • At the time of matriculation, it is preferred that applicants have at least one year of full-time experience in the social work field, extensive volunteer experience in human services settings, and extensive experience with diverse populations. 

Continuous Enrollment

Once fully admitted to the MSW program, students must maintain "continuous" enrollment. Continuous enrollment is defined as registering for at least one credit of coursework each semester until graduation requirements are fulfilled. Exceptions to this policy may be made for students experiencing highly unusual circumstances (examples: called to active military duty, hospitalization, the death of an immediate family member). Requests for exceptions must be made in writing to the MSW faculty. Except for rare circumstances, the program must be completed satisfactorily within five years of matriculation.

Students who withdraw from school mid-semester may be subject to non-passing grades in the courses in which the student is enrolled in the session or semester of the withdrawal. If a student withdraws from a course that has an L grade, the student may receive an F in that course.  Depending on the nature of the withdrawal (included but not limited to academic performance, history, and dispositional concerns versus personal circumstances), the student may be asked to meet with the program director prior to re-entry.  Re-entry into the program is not guaranteed. Readmitted students will need to fulfill the requirements of the most recent version of the catalog.

Academic Standing and Dismissal Policy

  • Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to remain in good standing in the MSW program at Northwest Nazarene University. If a student drops below a cumulative GPA of 3.0, the student will be placed on academic probation for the duration of one semester and receive a letter from the program director outlining the requirements of probation.  Academic probation includes an academic plan for improvement created collaboratively and signed by the student and program director. The student must earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 for the semester of probation. If the student fails to earn a minimum GPA of 3.0, if the cumulative GPA still falls below the required 3.0, or if the student fails to meet the requirements of the academic improvement plan, the student may be academically dismissed from the program. Students are notified of academic dismissal by the program director in writing.
  • Students who earn lower than a B- in two courses may be placed on academic probation as outlined above.
  • Students must pass all content classes (non-field/internship courses) with a grade of B- or better. Students who fail to meet this expectation must re-enroll and pass the class with a B- or better in order for the class to contribute toward graduation requirements by the program.
  • Students must secure a satisfactory field placement that is approved by the Field Director.  Students who are unable to meet this expectation for reasons related to the disposition policy may be academically dismissed from the program. The decision regarding removal will be made by the Field Director in consultation with the Program Director. Faculty may delay a student’s entrance into a field placement for reasons outlined in the Student Field Manual.
  • Students must pass all Field Placement courses (SOWK6570, SOWK6571, SOWK7670 & SOWK7671) with a grade of B or better.  Students who fail to meet this expectation must take SOWK6101 Professionalism 101 and pass the class with a B or better for the class to contribute toward graduation requirements by the program. A non-passing grade in field placement (SOWK6570 or SOWK7670) will result in a student being asked to meet with the full faculty.  Unless there are significant extenuating circumstances, the student will be dismissed from the program for at least one year.  
  • Cheating and plagiarism constitute unprofessional conduct and are violations of the ethical standards of the profession. Students who are found to be cheating or plagiarizing may be academically dismissed from the MSW program as identified above.
  • If a student earns a B- or below in SOWK7690 MSW Capstone she/he will be required to wait a year before retaking the course.  The student will be given a remediation plan in writing that will include recommended core courses to audit that focus on failed competencies and/or be required to repeat field placement hours. If continuing in field placement, registration is necessary. Failing MSW Capstone twice will result in automatic dismissal from the program.

Professional Disposition Assessments and Dismissal Policy

Department faculty and staff engage in a systematic and ongoing developmental review of student progress throughout the program. Any student demonstrating challenges in academic, professional, or personal development may be subject to review at any point in the program. Becoming a competent social worker is not just about academic performance. A crucial part of being a competent social worker is related to a person's professional disposition (attitude, behavior, and demeanor).  As a result, students may be subject to faculty interventions for non-academic reasons, even if their academic work is excellent. The purpose of the professional disposition assessment is to provide a framework for evaluating these crucial characteristics of students.

There are three basic principles which govern the professional disposition assessment process:

  • A progressive disciplinary approach to consequences whenever possible
  • Timely and transparent communication with a student when dispositional concerns arise
  • A process that aids the student in amelioration of the identified dispositional concerns as applicable

Examples of faculty and departmental response include but are not limited to:

  1. Meet with full faculty
  2. Behavioral contracts
  3. Required counseling
  4. Probation
  5. Delayed entry into specialized courses and/or field placement
  6. Dismissal from the program

The complete professional disposition assessment and policy are included in the Social Work Field Manual.

A student is expected to notify the program director as soon as possible in the event of a substance abuse relapse or criminal offense charge during the student's tenure in the MSW program. Upon notification of a relapse, an academic plan will be created collaboratively and will be signed by the student and the program director. Upon notification of a criminal offense charge, the student may be subject to dismissal from the program. Consideration will be given to the student based on early disclosure and the nature of the charge. 

Any form of discrimination or disrespect shown to persons on the basis of age, class, color, disability, ethnicity, family structure, gender, marital status, national origin, immigration status, race, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation is contrary to the purposes and values of social work and will result in a review of the student's status.

Graduation Requirements

  1. Candidates who are accepted as generalist students must complete a minimum of 63 semester credits. Candidates who are accepted as advanced standing students must complete a minimum of 41 semester credits. 
  2. The candidate must complete program requirements with no grade lower than a B- (2.70) and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. 
  3. Students must pass all Field Placement courses (SOWK6570, SOWK6571, SOWK7670, & SOWK7671) and SOWK7690 Capstone with a grade of B or better.  
  4. Students (in all concentrations) must participate in counseling for 8-10 consecutive sessions with a Masters level, licensed mental health provider. These must be completed during the two semesters of the specialized internship. The completed sessions are prerequisites to enrollment in Capstone and/or receiving a final grade for Thesis.
  5. Successful completion of track-specific comprehensive exam.
  6. The candidate must apply for the degree one full semester prior to anticipated degree completion. Deadlines: June 1 for Fall; October 15 for Spring; and January 15 for Summer. 

The program must be completed satisfactorily within five years of matriculation. In rare cases, when a student can verify that a circumstance beyond his or her control, such as serious medical problems or military duty, prevents him or her from completing the program within the five-year period, an application for "an extension of time to complete the program" may be submitted. The program director will evaluate the validity of the request and determine the best way to proceed.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights

All students in the NNU Social Work Program have the following rights:

Students have the right to be treated with respect by all professors, staff, and students in the program, regardless of their race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other classification.

Students have the right to expect certain practices of their professors. These include establishing clear course objectives and requirements through the use of the syllabus, clearly outlining the grading scale and criteria, evaluating students fairly, holding regularly scheduled office hours, recognizing student contributions to a professor’s personal academic work, and safeguarding students’ intellectual freedom. 

Students have the right to be informed of policies and procedures which impact their admittance to the social work program.  Students also have the right to be informed of policies and procedures related to academic performance and the assessment of that performance. This includes the right to be informed of policies and procedures related to field placement, (including requirements of a placement, procedures for securing a field placement, the process for evaluating the field placement, and access to all necessary field forms and information) and the professional disposition process.

Students have the right to voice concerns about their educational experience through appropriate channels and according to the NASW Code of Ethics, including regarding departmental policies and curriculum without fear of retribution from faculty or staff. 

Students have the right to lodge complaints. The complaint process should be started as soon after the incident as possible.  For example, complaints may be made about improper instructor behavior, poor oral communication skills, scheduling exams outside of the approved exam times, failure to provide disability accommodations, grading complaints, and other similar problems. Only in extreme circumstances can a complaint-related process start more than six months after the incident.

If you have a complaint about any other aspect of a course, such as the classroom environment, the instructor, the course’s grading system, class activities (including online and out-of-class activities), or unfair treatment, please take the following steps:

  • Talk with your instructor about the situation.
  • If you do not feel comfortable approaching the instructor directly or if the problem continues, you should next talk to the BSW Program Director, Professor LeAnn Stensgaard or the MSW Program Director, Professor John Stennett.
  • If the problem is still not resolved or if you are not comfortable talking to the Program Director, MSW students may contact the Chair of the Social Work Department, Professor LeAnn Stensgaard.  BSW students can skip to the next bullet step.
  • To appeal the decisions made during this complaint process, the student may write a formal letter of appeal (by email or postal mail) to the Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Dr. Lawanna Pierce, to discuss the complaint. The letter should describe the situation and the student's attempts to find a solution. If you have copies of relevant documents, please include them with your complaint. All completed assignments, tests, quizzes, and other materials—aside from grade records—must be turned in by students who have grading grievances. (Grades cannot be changed without the department's consent; all grade records are kept by the departments).
  • If the situation is still unresolved, the student may submit a written appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), Dr. Brad Kurtz-Shaw.  The VPAA will notify you of the outcome of your complaint via University e-mail.

If a student wants to appeal the grade they received in a course, they must follow the NNU Academic Appeals Policy (see in the catalog).  The appeal forms are available on the NNU Registrar’s page on the NNU website (, under Forms and then choose Graduate and Professional Studies Forms. 

Students have the right to be informed of the harassment and bullying policy at NNU and to be told how to contact the Title IX coordinator in the event that the student experiences harassment or bullying either during on-campus activities or at field placement sites. If you are a student who has a concern about unwelcomed sexual behavior or sexual harassment, disregard the steps outlined above and immediately schedule an appointment with the Title IX Coordinator, Sheila Bryant (208-467-8062).

Students with complaints about discrimination also may contact Maggie Alcaraz, the Multicultural Engagement Director.

Students have the right to be informed of contact information for disability services and to be given accommodations as deemed appropriate by the Disability Services Coordinator.  Students with complaints about disability accommodation should notify Dr. Heidi Tracht at the Center for Academic Success and Advising.

Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for knowing the information contained in the catalog and field manual.  All students are expected to abide by the expectations listed in the catalog and the field manual.  

Students have a responsibility to secure a field placement in consultation with the appropriate Field Director.  The catalog and field manual contain important information that students are expected to become familiar with. You still have to follow the guidelines and instructions outlined in them even if you didn't read them. You must get in touch with the field director if you want to request an exception to any rule or procedure. 

Students are responsible for regularly reading and responding to the emails they receive through their NNU email account.   

Students are responsible for their participation in class. Students who engage in other non-class activities, such as using a cell phone and working on an assignment for another course, as well as those who nap in class or read outside of class materials, interfere with the learning process. The learning process is compromised by this behavior, which disturbs the learning environment for everyone involved.

Students are responsible for their conduct at all times, which is expected to conform to the NASW Code of Ethics, the catalog, and the field manual.  Thus, students will refrain from using abusive or disrespectful language.  The use of abusive or disrespectful language damages the classroom environment. A student is in violation of the catalog when they act inappropriately in class. When a student disrupts a class physically or verbally, the instructor will either refer the situation to the program director or take immediate disciplinary action.  

Students are responsible for notifying their professors if they will absent from class.  If there was an emergency, the student should notify their professor as soon as possible to explain why they missed class.  Sometimes alternative assignments are made available by professors, but not always.  Students are expected to proactively seek the information they missed in that class section.  

Students are responsible for turning in their assignments on time.  Students should contact their professor about any assignment that they know will be late.  It is up to the professor’s discretion how the missed assignment will be handled.  If a student did not submit an assignment on time due to a last-minute emergency, the student should notify their professors as early as possible and explain the delay.

Students are responsible for watching instructional videos that are assigned by their professors.  This includes videos about Canvas or Tevera.  

To complete the requirements of their major(s), minor(s), or graduate degree, students are responsible for contacting university faculty and staff for assistance and making use of the resources offered. Every student should have regular meetings with their academic advisor to go over their progress toward the degree they want to pursue.

Students are responsible for making sure that they will complete their degree requirements. This entails fulfilling the administrative and academic requirements listed in the catalog for the major or graduate degree. Although the faculty and other professionals will make every effort to assist you in fulfilling all requirements, it is ultimately your responsibility to do so. You are accountable for being aware of the requirements, meeting with your advisor on a regular basis to discuss your progress, and clarifying any information that is unclear to you.

Students have a responsibility to complete course evaluations and voice concerns about social work department policies, procedures, and curriculum as they arise and to do so in a respectful manner, in accordance with the NASW Code of Ethics (see If you have a complaint section).

Special Registration Guidelines for Graduate Students

This policy outlines the process for graduate students to register for more classes than the standard limit during a given semester or academic term. The purpose of this policy is to allow eligible graduate students to pursue additional coursework that aligns with their academic goals and enhances their learning experience.

Policy Guidelines:
  • Graduate students who have maintained a minimum cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.8 are eligible to apply for special registration.
  • Only students who have completed at least 6 credits of coursework in their graduate program are eligible to apply.
Course Load Limit:
  • The standard course load limit for graduate students is 12 (13 for specific semesters preauthorized).
  • Graduate students approved for special registration may register for additional classes, up to a maximum of one additional course above the standard course load limit.
  • The total number of credits taken, including both regular and additional classes, should not exceed 15 credits per semester (16 for specific semesters).
Approval Process:
  • Graduate students interested in registering for more classes than the standard limit must submit a Special Registration Request email to the MSW Program Director within one week of your registration meeting with the MSW Program Coordinator.
  • The Special Registration Request email should include:
    • Student's name, ID number, and contact information.
    • The additional courses the student wishes to take, including course codes, titles, and credit hours.
    • A brief explanation of how the additional courses align with the student's academic and professional goals.
  • The completed form will be reviewed by the faculty and program director.
  • The MSW Program Director will assess the student's eligibility, academic progress, and overall workload before making a decision.
  • The decision regarding special registration will be communicated to the student within a reasonable timeframe.
  •  Approved students will be given permission to meet with the MSW Program Coordinator to register for the additional classes during, or shortly after, the regular registration process.
  • The availability of additional classes is subject to course capacity, prerequisites, and any other relevant restrictions or requirements.
  • The student's ability to handle the increased workload and maintain satisfactory academic progress will be taken into account during the review process.
  • Special registration for additional classes may be granted for one semester but not on a recurring basis.
  • Financial implications, such as increased tuition fees, should be considered by the student prior to applying for special registration.
Review and Monitoring:
  • The MSW Program Director and the MSW Program Coordinator will monitor the progress of students who have been granted special registration to ensure their academic success.
  • The MSW Program Director will periodically review the effectiveness of this policy and make necessary adjustments based on feedback and emerging needs.
Policy Violations:
  • Violation of this policy, including registering for additional classes through the Registrar’s office without proper approval, may result in the cancellation of the unauthorized classes and potential disciplinary action.

This policy is subject to change or modification at the discretion of the university administration or the MSW academic department to ensure compliance with institutional regulations and guidelines.







Degrees and Certificates