A course that will examine and apply appropriate methods and strategies for teaching the Bible in various ministry contexts. Opportunity is given to develop personal skills in teaching and leading small group Bible studies.
A study of the characteristics of children; an introduction to their spiritual needs and their development; the challenge of the church in meeting their total needs.
A study of those activities related to the church which involve youth. The course is particularly designed to aid those who are specializing in a ministry to youth.
An extended exploration of the principles and practices of education ministry to families. The course will focus on the changing definition of family and the exploration of current strategies of ministry to the church as family. Attention will be given to fostering spiritual growth in families.
This course introduces interdisciplinary material in Christian Education of particular relevance to the core curriculum. Topics may vary. May be repeated for a different topic.
The course provides a Wesleyan approach to Christian discipleship by integrating Wesleyan theology and current developmental theories. The course explores how pastors can develop educational ministries that foster faith formation and Christian discipleship in local congregations. Particular attention is given to the role congregations play in forming faith disciples through teaching, worship, and congregational life.