Practical Theology


PRTH2215: Spiritual Formation and Christian Discipleship

Credits 3

A study of the theory and practice of spiritual formation and Christian discipleship. Attention will be given to the reflective discipline of one's own individual journey with God in personal spiritual development. Further attention will be given to the task of discipling others through mentoring and in small groups. This course also includes the completion of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI), which students will discuss in PRTH2215L. 


Program admission.

Corequisite Courses

PRTH2215L: Personal Development Lab

Credits 0

Students in this 8-week lab meet in person or online with a graduate counseling student for the interpretation of their California Psychological Inventory (CPI) results and a formative assessment of their personal development with respect to theological studies and vocational ministry. Grade of Pass/Fail. Additional fee required.

Corequisite Courses

PRTH2225: Worship Theory and Development

Credits 3
A study of the principles of Christian worship. Attention will be given to the development of contextualized, theologically informed worship as well as the rites and sacraments of Christian worship.
Program admission.

PRTH2405: Christian Missions

Credits 3
An introduction to the study of Christian missions. Attention will be given to biblical and theological foundations, historical perspectives, and cultural dimensions of missions in a contemporary world setting. Fulfills a General Education Cultural Competency (CC) requirement.
Program admission.

PRTH3105: Pastoral Theology

Credits 3
A survey of pastoral care, ministerial leadership and theology in the context of parish ministry. This course explores the pastoral office by focusing on who ministers are and what they do.
Program admission.

PRTH3715: Preaching

Credits 3

A study of the preparation and delivery of sermons within the context of worship, including practice preaching.

Prerequisite Courses

Program admission

PRTH3755: Compassionate Ministries

Credits 3
A study of the theology of social holiness as expressed in a life of compassionate stewardship. The course will explore current literature and programs being developed by evangelical churches focusing on compassionate ministries. Special attention will be given to urban compassionate ministry centers being developed by the Church of the Nazarene. Fulfills a General Education Cultural Competency (CC) requirement.
Program admission.

PRTH4715: Missional Growth and Health

Credits 3
An extended study of the church's mission and development with special emphasis on church health and growth. Attention will be given to the skills of observation of church and community, both historical and contemporary. Students will describe the socialization and dynamics of the church to culture, and develop skills for effective ministry.
Program admission.

PRTH4765: Communicating the Gospel

Credits 3
An advanced study utilizing visual elements in teaching and preaching. Attention is given to the use of visual metaphors in biblical communication.
Program admission.

PRTH4825: Pastoral Leadership

Credits 3

A study of leadership and administration in Christian ministries. Areas to be discussed will include spiritual gifts, selecting, organizing, and maintaining a church staff, conflict management and professional ethics. Additional Fee Required


Program admission.

PRTH4965: Internship in Christian Ministry

Credits 3
A practical course, open only to persons with senior status in the Christian Ministry major, involving ministry experience in areas including preaching, counseling, teaching, education, evangelism, administration and missions. This experience will be under the direction of the instructor in cooperation with the supervising ministry mentor.
Program admission.

PRTH6000: OnRamp Program Orientation

Credits 0

This course orients the student to the resources, procedures, electronic operations, and expectations of the program, and also includes the completion of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI), which students will discuss in PRTH6000L, as well as a required criminal background check. Grade of Pass/Fail.

Corequisite Courses

PRTH6000L: Personal Development Lab

Credits 0

Students in this lab meet online with a participant in NNU's graduate counseling program for the interpretation of their California Psychological Inventory (CPI) results and a formative assessment of their personal development with respect to theological studies and vocational ministry. Students who enroll in PRTH6000 must complete PRTH6000L as a lab during the same session as their OnRamp Orientation course. Grade of Pass/Fail. Additional fee required.

Corequisite Courses

PRTH6094: Topics in Practical Theology

Credits 3 4
This course introduces interdisciplinary material in Practical Theology of particular relevance to the core curriculum. Topics may vary. May be repeated for a different topic.

PRTH6120: Ministry with Diversity

Credits 4

This course explores what it means to minister in a pluralistic culture, with sensitivity shown toward a variety of cultural competencies that are commonly required in chaplaincy.

PRTH6140: Ministry and Culture

Credits 4
This course explores the discipline and challenge of missional leadership today, offers extensive examination of the nature and scope of missional leadership, as well as a deeper understanding of the cultural contexts in which students live and serve.

PRTH6180: Formational Practicum

Credits 4
This course examines the discipline of spiritual formation with particular emphasis on student participation in spiritual practices and a reflection on their impact in a student's personal spiritual formation and ministry contexts.

PRTH6220: Group Dynamics

Credits 4

This course examines the chaplain's identity as an essential and relational member of an interdisciplinary team, with responsibility for integrating family systems, ethics, and faith development, as well as self-care, with a wide array of real-world applications.

PRTH6599: Independent Study

Credits 3 4
Study of an assigned topic or guided research as directed by a graduate faculty member. Approval of department director required.

PRTH6760: Spiritual and Personal Formation

Credits 3
This course examines spiritual formational practices with particular emphasis on the personal and spiritual formation of the minister. Students will gain personal spiritual formational practices for the purposes of developing them holistically.

PRTH6840: Missional Discipleship

Credits 4
This course recognizes a holistic approach for uniting discipleship and evangelism by examining what it means to be faithful disciples of the gospel in light of the nature of the Church and its mission to the world. Students explore how culture shapes an understanding of Gospel, Church, and ministry and integrate theological insights in developing a missional discipleship strategy to inform a ministry response to their own local context.

PRTH6880: Nurturing the Inner Life

Credits 4
This course explores the lifelong processes and goals of Christian spiritual formation from biblical, theological, psychological, and historical perspectives. Students practice historic Christian disciplines as means of grace to promote intimacy with God, healthier physical and emotional habits, maturing character, and love for others.

PRTH6960: Missiology and Contextualization

Credits 3
This course provides a study of the challenge and complexity of mission within the cultural diversity of today's world. Students will review the historic dimensions of missiology, develop biblical and theological foundations for missional ecclesiology, and strategize for cross-cultural communication of the gospel.

PRTH6990A: Supervised Ministry

Credits 2
Under the direction of a ministry mentor, students will be involved in practical ministry experience in a local ministry context. Special attention will be given to preaching, counseling, teaching, education, evangelism, and administration. The experience will be under the direction of the instructor in cooperation with the supervising ministry mentor. A grade will not be issued for this course until completion of PRTH6990B.

PRTH7520: Theological Balance in an Ambiguous World

Credits 4

This course integrates caregiving as a foundational basis for chaplaincy, with particular emphasis on dealing with proper self-care, crisis care support, chronic pain and disease, mental illness, moral injury, and end-of-life issues.

PRTH7540: Missional Practicum

Credits 4
This course focuses on the practical applications for the development of a missional ministry model, including leadership of a missional small-group, implementing a Natural Church Development study, and devising a missional strategy, all in the student's own context. The course may include an optional multiple-day on-site practicum with classmates in the Pacific Northwest that includes interactions with a variety of leading-edge missional writers, pastors, and churches.

PRTH7560: Pastoral Leadership

Credits 3
This course will help to equip ministers to lead and manage churches and mission agencies. Special attention will be given to the student's ability to conceive and articulate purpose, mission, and vision for ministry and assist the student in developing the strategic means to realize that vision.

PRTH7580: Spirituality of Soul Care

Credits 4
This is a course designed to give a small-group, intensive experience in which the relationship between spiritual formation and ordained ministry is considered. The course includes examination of the minister as person, professional, and practitioner. The small group will be located in the locale of the student. It will be made up of ministers and laypersons who will provide an optimum group experience.

PRTH7940: Community, Context and Transition

Credits 4
In this course, students develop a ministry project from their own cultural context, assessing their own leadership, church structures, and community needs and developing strategies for more effective missional ministry implementation.

PRTH7960: Preaching and Worship

Credits 3
An advanced study of the methods of homiletics as well as application of principles of biblical interpretation to worship and preaching. A major focus of the course will be on practical application to selected biblical passages through the writing and preaching of expository sermons as well as a study of the Christian practices of the Church including baptism, funerals, weddings, and the Eucharist.

PRTH7980: Spiritual Direction

Credits 4
This course explores the meaning, place, models, and dynamics of the ministry of spiritual direction. Participants will consider the place of spiritual direction within their own ministries and, with their mentor, explore facets of giving and receiving spiritual direction. A reflective journal will be required.

PRTH9330: Gospel, Word, and Table

Credits 4

This course is an advanced study of the principles and practices of three specific areas of ministry: evangelism, preaching, and sacramental worship. Included in the course will be student submission of sermons for peer discussions and evaluation in the context of the student’s own ministry setting. (This course builds upon and is dependent on the exegetical and interpretive skills and understanding of Scripture developed in BIBL9320, which is a prerequisite.) This course also explores both the historical and theological foundation of the sacraments and their vital role in worship and the life of the Church.

Prerequisite Courses

PRTH9330S: Evangelio, Palabra y Mesa

Credits 4

Este curso es un estudio avanzado de los principios y prácticas de tres áreas específicas del ministerio: evangelismo, predicación y adoración sacramental. Incluido en el curso estará la presentación de sermones por parte de los estudiantes para discusiones y evaluación entre sus compañeros en el contexto del propio entorno del ministerio del estudiante. (Este curso se basa y depende de las habilidades exegéticas e interpretativas y la comprensión de las Escrituras desarrolladas en BIBL9320S, que es un requisito previo). Este curso también explora el fundamento histórico y teológico de los sacramentos y su papel vital en la adoración y la vida de la Iglesia. 

Prerequisite Courses

PRTH9340S: Iglesia Latina Misional y Desarrollo de Liderazgo

Credits 4

Este curso explora el papel del líder cristiano y la Iglesia a la luz del mandato misional de Cristo. Será para equipar a los ministros para dirigir y administrar iglesias y agencias misioneras. Se prestará especial atención a la capacidad del estudiante para concebir y articular el propósito, la misión y la visión del ministerio y ayudar al estudiante a desarrollar los medios estratégicos para realizar esa visión. Los estudiantes también desarrollarán un proyecto de ministerio a partir de su propio contexto cultural, evaluando su propio liderazgo, las estructuras de la iglesia y las necesidades de la comunidad y desarrollando estrategias para la implementación de un ministerio misional más eficaz. El estudiante tomará esta clase presencial (en el plantel) al final de su curso. 

PRTH9345: Missional Church and Leadership Development

Credits 4

This course explores the role of the Christian leader and the Church in light of Christ’s missional mandate. It will to equip ministers to lead and manage churches and mission agencies. Special attention will be given to the student's ability to conceive and articulate purpose, mission, and vision for ministry and assist the student in developing the strategic means to realize that vision. Students will also develop a ministry project from their own cultural context, assessing their own leadership, church structures, and community needs and developing strategies for more effective missional ministry implementation. The student will take this class face to face at the end of their coursework

PRTH9345: Missional Church and Leadership Development

Credits 4

This course explores the role of the Christian leader and the Church in light of Christ’s missional mandate. It will to equip ministers to lead and manage churches and mission agencies. Special attention will be given to the student's ability to conceive and articulate purpose, mission, and vision for ministry and assist the student in developing the strategic means to realize that vision. Students will also develop a ministry project
from their own cultural context, assessing their own leadership, church structures, and community
needs and developing strategies for more effective missional ministry implementation. The student
will take this class face to face at the end of their coursework.

PRTH9399: Independent Study

Credits 4

This individualized course is designed to help students prepare for their comprehensive examinations and dissertation prospectus.

PRTH9399S: Estudio Independiente

Credits 4

Este curso individualizado está diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes a prepararse para sus exámenes integrales y su prospecto de tesis.

PRTH9510: Exams 1 & 2

Credits 2

The students will study for and pass two exams. Exams are chosen in consultation with their primary advisor; these exams can be used to direct the students toward their dissertation topic(s).

PRTH9510S: Exámenes 1 & 2

Credits 2

Los participantes deben estudiar y pasar dos exámenes. Los exámenes son escogidos en consulta con su mentor principal; estos exámenes pueden ser usados para dirigir a los estudiantes hacia los tópicos de sus tesis. 

PRTH9530: Exams 3 & 4

Credits 2

The students will study for and pass two exams. Exams are chosen in consultation with their primary advisor; these exams can be used to direct the students toward their dissertation topic(s).

PRTH9530S: Exámenes 3 & 4

Credits 2

Los participantes deben estudiar y pasar dos exámenes. Los exámenes son escogidos en consulta con su mentor principal; estos exámenes pueden ser usados para dirigir a los estudiantes hacia los tópicos de sus tesis.