Education | Initial Certification 


EDUC1100: Introduction to Education

Credits 1

Exploration of the rewards and challenges of the teaching profession. Course includes discussion of current issues in education, an overview of the NNU education program, insights from enthusiastic educators and a 25-hour field experience at the grade level/content area of the candidate's interest.

EDUC1125: Foundations of Teaching and Instructional Design

Credits 3

This course explores the historical, philosophical, social, legal, and ethical foundations of the teaching profession. Purposes and challenges of education will be addressed in relationship to today's changing world. This course also provides an overview of lesson planning and domains of teaching. Field Experience: 20 Hours.

EDUC2005: Orientation: ACE - Education

Credits 0

This required non-graded course gives candidates an overview of the Accelerated Certification in Education Program, as well as the policies and procedures of the education department. The orientation introduces new students to NNU software necessary for program completion as well as scheduling and requirements of the program. Grade of Pass/Fail. Fee: Additional fee required.

EDUC2110: Educational Psychology

Credits 3

A study of the psychological implications involved in the teaching-learning situation with emphasis on those psychological principles applicable to children ages 6-12 and adolescents 13-18. A variety of learning and developmental theories based on research from the field of psychology are covered. (See PSYC2110)

Prerequisite Courses

Prerequisite course or Instructor's approval

EDUC2250: Cultural Diversity in Education

Credits 2

A reflective exploration of race, socio-economic, and changing demographics in communities and schools. Includes a focus on common beliefs held by teachers that may affect the achievement gap between white and minority students. Culturally relevant teaching practices will be developed to enhance learning opportunities for students of color. Course includes a 10-hour field experience. Fulfills a General Education Cultural Competency (CC) requirement.

Prerequisite Courses

EDUC2555: Innovative Instruction

Credits 3

This course is designed to support candidates by increasing their knowledge of innovative strategies. Utilizing the H.A.C.K. Model of Innovative Instruction developed by The NNU Doceō Center, and ISTE NETS teacher standards, this course will explore global educational practices, pushing educators to move instruction from a highly structured setting to a more student-centered environment where students take ownership and personalize their learning.

EDUC3010: Teaching English in Secondary Schools

Credits 3

Strategies for teaching literature, grammar, writing and other communication skills necessary to effectively teach secondary English language arts. Emphasis will be placed on teaching strategies to correspond with ELA standards and unit planning at a secondary level. (See ENGL3010) Field Experience: 20 or 40 hours depending on endorsement areas.


EDUC3090: Pedagogy of Writing in 6-12 Schools

Credits 3

An examination and application of research-based methodologies for teaching the writing process. Candidates learn how to incorporate the writing process across all content areas. Focus is on creating authentic writing opportunities that encompass a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. This course meets a portion of the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Coursework requirements of the Idaho Department of Education. (See ENGL3090)

EDUC3130: Teaching Computer Science in Secondary Schools

Credits 3

Course topics include strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to assist and teach a minimum of 20 hours. (See COMP3130) Fees: Additional fee required.


Corequisite Courses

EDUC3165: Learning and the Brain

Credits 3

A study of the psychological implications involved in the teaching-learning situation with emphasis on those psychological principles applicable to children ages 6-12 and adolescents 13-18. A variety of learning and developmental theories based on research from the field of psychology are covered. Examines accepted theories and current research in learning behavior and explores the unique styles of learning and recent studies in brain function and behavior as they relate to the learning process.

EDUC3175: Teaching Diverse Learners

Credits 3

This course focuses on developing instructional strategies to ensure the learning of all students. Classrooms are tremendously diverse environments, and this course explores the various ways students, and their learning needs, are different. This course is designed to meet the needs of diverse learners using effective evidence-based strategies for students with disabilities, gifted students, English language learners, and students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. This course is an approved Cultural Competency (CC) content course at NNU. Field Experience: 15 hours.

EDUC3245: Elementary Classroom Management

Credits 3

An in-depth study of classroom management principles and practices for elementary teachers. Focus is on equipping future teachers with knowledge and skills for effectively managing a classroom. Course explores motivation, classroom environment, minimizing management problems through proactive strategies, and systematically modifying inappropriate behavior.

EDUC3255: Fundamentals of Literacy

Credits 3

An in-depth study of evidence-based practices for developmental reading instruction in an elementary classroom. This course provides an overview of each of the “Big 5” of literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) with a special emphasis on early literacy. This course satisfies a portion of the requirements of the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Act for teacher certification. Field Experience: 15 hours.


Program admission

EDUC3265: Literacy for Learning

Credits 3

An exploration of principles and strategies for helping K-8 students acquire reading and writing skills essential for effective learning in all subject areas. Emphasis is on helping future teachers develop knowledge of fluency, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension strategies. Candidates learn how to incorporate the writing process across all content areas. Focus is on creating authentic writing opportunities that encompass a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. This course satisfies a portion of the requirements of the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Act for teacher certification.


Program admission

EDUC3510: Teaching Methods in Secondary Classrooms

Credits 3

An investigation of teaching methods and techniques appropriate for the secondary school classroom. Theoretical principles upon which teaching strategies are based and the principles of classroom management will be considered. Lesson and unit planning are included. Min-teaching experiences are an integral part of this course.


Junior classification and Program admission

Corequisite Courses

Methods courses in teaching area or first and second teaching fields. Exempt - music majors who do not have a second teaching field. 

EDUC3630: Teaching World Language in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for students to assist and teach in a secondary classroom. (See EDUC7663) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsement areas.

EDUC3670: Teaching Psychology in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Course topics include strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, and curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to assist and teach for a minimum of 20 hours. (See PSYC3670)


Junior classification and Program admission

EDUC3750: Classroom Management in Secondary Schools

Credits 3

An in-depth study of classroom management theory and application for secondary teachers. Focus is on equipping future teachers with knowledge and skills for effectively managing a classroom. Course explores motivation, classroom environment, minimizing management problems through proactive strategies and interpersonal skills, responding to minor and serious behavior problems, and systematically modifying inappropriate behavior.


Junior classification and Program admission

Corequisite Courses

Methods courses in teaching area of fields. Music Education majors are exempt from EDUC3510.

EDUC4465: Data Driven Literacy; Assessment, Intervention & Diverse Literacy Profiles

Credits 3

An examination and application of evidence-based practices used for the assessment and intervention cycle to guide instruction in literacy. A 15-hour practicum is included in which candidates administer a battery of assessments, analyze data, diagnose the literacy needs of a struggling reader, set individual student goals, design and deliver a sequence of intervention lessons, and reassess for student learning. This course meets part of the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Act requirements of the Idaho Department of Education. Field Experience: 15 hours.

Prerequisite Courses

EDUC4555: Methods of Teaching Math and Science in Elementary Classrooms

Credits 3

A study of teaching methodology encompassing elementary school science and mathematics. Candidates design instruction to meet curriculum standards, devise accommodations for students with diverse needs, and plan assessment procedures to monitor student progress. A focus on unit and lesson planning, classroom environment, instruction, and professionalism equip candidates for the student teaching experience. Field Experience: 15 hours.


Program admission

EDUC4590: Pedagogy of Writing in K-8 Schools

Credits 3

An examination and application of research-based methodologies for teaching the writing process. Candidates learn how to incorporate the writing process across all content areas. Focus is on creating authentic writing opportunities that encompass a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. This course meets a portion of the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Coursework requirements of the Idaho Department of Education.

EDUC4815: Elementary School Start-Up

Credits 1

A fall field experience to acquaint the intern with practices for beginning the school year in an elementary school. Candidates attend opening faculty meetings in the school and observe and assist the teacher during the first week of school. Materials and instructions for this course must be secured from the director of student teaching three months in advance of the opening of school. Fee: Additional fee required.

Prerequisite Courses

Approval for student teaching and Program admission

EDUC4865: Student Teaching in Middle/Junior High Schools

Credits 11

Directed observation, participation, and responsible teaching by Adult and Professional Education students, conducted under the supervision or mentoring of a middle school/junior high school teacher and NNU supervisor. Weekly seminars are a part of this program. Candidates participating in fall student teaching should plan to report to their assigned school the first day that the teachers report. Candidates participating in spring student teaching will need to complete a "school startup" experience in the fall before their student teaching. If possible, this start-up experience should be with their cooperating teacher. Fee: Additional fee required.


Program admission

EDUC4905: Student Teaching in Elementary Schools

Credits 11

Directed observation, participation, and responsible teaching by Adult and Professional Education candidates, conducted under the supervision or mentoring of an elementary school teacher and NNU supervisors. Weekly seminars are a part of this experience. Fee: Additional fee required.


Program admission

Corequisite Courses

EDUC4955: Seminar/Capstone

Credits 1

Weekly reflection and discussion about changes in thinking and professional practice resulting from growth in teaching competency as it intersects with growth in the four university outcomes.

Corequisite Courses

EDUC7000: Orientation: ACE - Education

Credits 0

This required non-graded course gives candidates an overview of the Accelerated Certification in Education Program, as well as the policies and procedures of the education department. The orientation introduces new students to NNU software necessary for program completion as well as scheduling and requirements of the program. Grade of Pass/Fail. Fee: Additional fee required for Portfolium account.

EDUC7120: Foundations of Teaching and Instructional Design

Credits 3

This course explores the historical, philosophical, social, legal, and ethical foundations of the teaching profession. Purposes and challenges of education will be addressed in relationship to today's changing world. This course also provides an overview of lesson planning and domains of teaching. Field Experience: 20 hours

EDUC7150: Teaching Communications in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to observe and teach in a secondary classroom. (See EDUC3650) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsements

Corequisite Courses

EDUC7160: Learning and the Brain

Credits 3

A study of the psychological implications involved in the teaching-learning situation with emphasis on those psychological principles applicable to children ages 6-12 and adolescents 13-18. A variety of learning and developmental theories based on research from the field of psychology are covered. This course also examines accepted theories and current research in learning behavior and explores the unique styles of learning and recent studies in brain function and behavior as they relate to the learning process.

EDUC7240: Elementary Classroom Management

Credits 3

An in-depth study of classroom management principles and practices for K-8 teachers. Focus is on equipping candidates with knowledge and skills for effectively managing a classroom. Course explores motivation, classroom environment, minimizing management problems through proactive strategies, and systematically modifying inappropriate behavior.

EDUC7250: Fundamentals of Reading

Credits 3

An in-depth study of evidence-based practices for developmental reading instruction in an elementary classroom. This course provides an overview of each of the “Big 5” of literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) with a special emphasis on early literacy. This course satisfies a portion of the requirements of the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Act for teacher certification. Field Experience 15 hours.


Program admission

EDUC7260: Elementary Content Literacy

Credits 3

An exploration of principles and strategies for helping K-8 students acquire reading and writing skills essential for effective learning in all subject areas. Emphasis is on helping future teachers develop knowledge of fluency, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension strategies. Candidates learn how to incorporate the writing process across all content areas. Focus is on creating authentic writing opportunities that encompass a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. This course satisfies a portion of the requirements of the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Act for teacher certification.

EDUC7350: Methods of Teaching Math and Science in Elementary Classrooms

Credits 3

A study of teaching methodology encompassing elementary school science and mathematics. Candidates design instruction to meet curriculum standards, devise accommodations for students with diverse needs, and plan assessment procedures to monitor student progress. A focus on unit and lesson planning, classroom environment, instruction, and professionalism equips candidates for the student teaching experience. Field Experience: 15 hours


Program admission

EDUC7460: Data Driven Literacy; Assessment, Intervention & Diverse Literacy Profiles

Credits 3

An examination and application of evidence-based practices used for the assessment and intervention cycle to guide instruction in literacy. A 15-hour practicum is included in which candidates administer a battery of assessments, analyze data, diagnose the literacy needs of a struggling reader, set individual student goals, design and deliver a sequence of intervention lessons, and reassess for student learning. This course meets part of the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Act requirements of the Idaho Department of Education. Field Experience: 15 hours

Prerequisite Courses

EDUC7535: Secondary Content Literacy

Credits 3

This course prepares teacher candidates to demonstrate competency in comprehensive literacy skills and knowledge congruent with research on evidence-based practices in adolescent literacy. It meets a portion of the ICLA requirements of the Idaho State Department of Education. The course focuses on principles and strategies for helping all students develop reading, writing, and speaking skills essential for effective learning in all subject areas. Candidates design lessons that promote disciplinary literacy and make content comprehensible for diverse learners.

EDUC7543: Teaching Diverse Learners

Credits 3

This course focuses on developing instructional strategies to ensure the learning of all students. Classrooms are tremendously diverse environments, and this course explores the various ways students, and their learning needs, are different. This course is designed to meet the needs of diverse learners using effective evidence-based strategies for students with disabilities, gifted students, English language learners, and students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. This course is an approved Cultural Competency (CC) content course at NNU. Field Experience: 15 hours

EDUC7545: Secondary Classroom Management

Credits 3

The focus of this course is on equipping future teachers with knowledge and skills for effectively managing a classroom. This course will present specific classroom strategies for managing secondary classroom behavior in proactive and positive ways. Topics include vision, organization, expectations, rules and consequences, motivation, preparation and launch, implementation, and proactive planning for chronic misbehavior.

EDUC7554: Innovative Instruction

Credits 3

This course provides students with innovative strategies and approaches to instructional practice utilizing the H.A.C.K. Model of Instruction (Highly-Structured, Allowed Choices, Consistent Application, Knowledge-Centered). While this course will include a comprehensive overview of the H.A.C.K Model, its primary focus will be on providing practices that build an innovative instructional mindset and increase student/teacher capacity in leveraging technology to meet outcomes through stages H (Highly Structured) and A (Allowed Choices) of the model.

EDUC7599: Independent Study

Credits 1 4

Study of an assigned topic as directed by a graduate faculty member. Approval of the department director is required.

EDUC7635: Teaching Health in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Designed to provide knowledge and background in three divisions of health education: healthful living, school health services, and health education. Recognition of health problems of children and adolescents with the opportunity to develop competencies in handling methods and teaching techniques. Strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to observe and teach in a secondary classroom. (See EDUC3350) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsement areas

EDUC7636: Teaching Physical Education in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to observe and teach in a secondary classroom. (See KINE3360) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsement areas

EDUC7638: Teaching Physical Education in Elementary Schools

Credits 2

Introduces candidates to the basic principles of physical education for children in grades kindergarten through six. Emphasis will be on the development of systematic physical education programming. Candidates will participate in simulated teaching experiences and field observations. Field Experience: 20 hours

EDUC7651: Teaching Methods in Secondary Schools

Credits 3

An investigation of teaching methods and techniques appropriate for the secondary school classroom. Theoretical principles upon which teaching strategies are based and the principles of classroom management will be considered. Lesson and unit planning with standards alignment and assessment development are included. Mini-teaching experiences are an integral part of this course. Field Experience: 15 hours

EDUC7653: Teaching Art in Secondary Schools

Credits 3

Examine pragmatic techniques and philosophical approaches necessary to design, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive discipline-based art education program at the secondary school level. Additionally, both historical and contemporary art education issues are examined, discussed, and evaluated. Includes opportunities for candidates to observe and teach in a secondary classroom. (See EDUC3530) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsement areas

EDUC7654: Teaching Music in Secondary Schools

Credits 3

Strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional choral materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Activities and music of various cultural groups will be explored. Includes opportunities for candidates to observe and teach in a secondary classroom. (See MUSC3470) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsement areas

EDUC7657: Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

This course explores strategies for teaching math in secondary schools. A major focus of the class will be moving secondary students through enactive, iconic, and symbolic representation for concepts in the five major areas of math: algebra, functions, geometry, statistics/probability, and number/quantity. Other topics will include standards alignment, technology integration, and assessment. (See MATH3570) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsement areas

EDUC7658: Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to observe and teach a secondary classroom. (See EDUC3580) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsement areas

EDUC7659: Teaching English in Secondary Schools

Credits 3

Strategies for teaching literature, grammar, writing, and other communication skills necessary to effectively teach secondary English language arts. Emphasis will be placed on teaching strategies to correspond with ELA standards and unit planning at a secondary level. (See ENGL3010) Field Experience: 20 or 40 hours depending on endorsement areas

EDUC7663: Teaching World Language in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to observe and teach in a secondary classroom. (See EDUC3630) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsement areas

EDUC7664: Teaching Science in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to observe and teach in a secondary classroom. (See EDUC3640) Field Experience: 20 to 40 hours depending on endorsement areas

EDUC7667: Teaching Computer Science in Secondary Schools

Credits 3

Course topics include strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to assist and teach a minimum of 20 hours. (See EDUC3130) Field Experience: 20 or 40 hours depending on endorsement areas.

EDUC7668: Teaching Psychology in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Course topics include strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, and curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to assist and teach for a minimum of 20 hours. (See PSYC3670/EDUC3670)

EDUC7685: Teaching Supervision

Credits 1 3

Directed observation, participation, and responsible teaching by endorsement only and certification only candidates, conducted under the supervision of NNU Supervisors. May be repeated for credit.

EDUC7686: Student Teaching in Middle School/Junior High Schools

Credits 11

Directed observation, participation, and responsible teaching conducted under the supervision of a middle school/junior high school teacher and NNU supervisor. Weekly seminars are a part of this program. Candidates participating in fall student teaching should plan to report to their assigned school the first day that the teachers report. Candidates participating in spring student teaching will need to complete a "school start-up" experience in the fall before their student teaching. If possible, this start-up experience should be with their cooperating teacher. Fee: Additional fee required.


EDUC7651, Approval for Student Teaching, Program admission required.

EDUC7687: Student Teaching in Senior High Schools

Credits 11

Directed observation, participation, and responsible teaching conducted under the supervision of a senior high school teacher and NNU supervisor. Weekly seminars are a part of this program. Candidates participating in Fall student teaching should plan to report to their assigned school the first day that the teachers report for school start-up and continue with the teacher through Fall Student Teaching. Candidates participating in spring student teaching will need to complete a "school start-up" experience in the fall before their student teaching. If possible, this start-up experience should be with their cooperating teacher. Fee: Additional fee required.


EDUC7651, Approval for Student Teaching, Program admission required.

EDUC7688: Elementary Student Teaching

Credits 8 9

Directed observation, participation, and responsible teaching conducted under the supervision of an elementary school teacher and NNU supervisor. Regular seminar sessions are a part of this program. Candidates participating in student teaching should plan to report to their assigned school the first day that the teachers report for school start-up and continue with the teacher through Fall Student Teaching. When registered for EDUC7688 Elementary Student Teaching (9) in the Fall, the student will also register for EDUC7810 Elementary School Start-Up (0). Fee: Additional fee required.


Approval for Student Teaching and Program admission

EDUC7689: Secondary Student Teaching

Credits 8 9

Directed observation, participation, and responsible teaching conducted under the supervision of a senior high school teacher and NNU supervisor. Regular seminar sessions are a part of this program. Candidates participating in student teaching should plan to report to their assigned school the first day that the teachers report for school start-up and continue with the teacher through Fall Student Teaching. When registered for EDUC7689 Secondary Student Teaching (9) in the Fall Semester, the student will also register for EDUC7950 Secondary School Start-Up (0). Fee: Additional fee required.

Prerequisite Courses

Approval for Student Teaching and Program admission

EDUC7810: Elementary School Start Up

Credits 0 1

A fall field experience to acquaint the candidate with practices for beginning the school year in an elementary school. Candidates attend opening faculty meetings in the school and observe and assist the teacher during the first week of school. Materials and instructions for this course must be secured from the Director of Student Teaching three months in advance of the opening of school. The course is zero (0) credits when registered in conjunction with EDUC7688 Elementary Student Teaching (9) in the Fall Semester. If a student registers for EDUC7688 Elementary Student Teaching (8) in the Spring Semester, s/he must register for EDUC7810 Elementary School Start-Up (1) in the Fall Semester.

Prerequisite Courses

Approval for Student Teaching and Program admission

EDUC7820: Student Teaching in Elementary Schools

Credits 11

Directed observation, participation, and responsible teaching by candidates, conducted under the supervision of an elementary school teacher and NNU supervisors. Weekly seminars are a part of this experience. Candidates participating in fall student teaching should plan to report to their assigned school the first day that teachers report for school start-up and continue with the teacher through fall student teaching. Candidates participating in spring student teaching will need to complete a "school start-up" experience in the fall before student teaching in the spring. If possible, this start-up experience should be with their cooperating teacher. Fee: Additional fee required.

Prerequisite Courses

Approval for Student Teaching and Program admission

EDUC7950: Secondary School Start Up

Credits 0 1

Attendance at the opening of faculty meetings, assisting in the preparation for opening of school and observing and assisting the teacher in a regular public-school classroom during the first week of school. This work is to be done in the Fall before student teaching. Materials and instructions for this course must be secured from the Director of Student Teaching three months in advance of the opening of school. The course is zero (0) credits when registered in conjunction with EDUC7689 Secondary Student Teaching (9) in the Fall Semester. If a student registers for EDUC7689 Secondary Student Teaching (8) in the Spring Semester, s/he must register for EDUC7950 Secondary School Start-Up (1) in the Fall Semester. Fee: Additional fee required.

Prerequisite Courses

Approval for Student Teaching and Program admission

EDUC7951: Seminar/Capstone

Credits 1

Weekly reflection and discussion about changes in thinking and professional practice resulting from growth in teaching competency as it intersects with growth in the four university outcomes. One of three co-requisite courses must be taken.


Approval for Student Teaching and Program admission
