

THEO2105: Introduction to Christian Theology

Credits 3
A study of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith in systematic form. The underlying foundation will be biblical faith, with special emphasis given to the interpretation of the Wesleyan-Arminian tradition. This course is designed for general students.
Corequisite Courses

THEO4245: Theology of Holiness

Credits 3
An extended study of the theology of entire sanctification. Emphasis will be given to its biblical and historical background, especially as developed by John Wesley and the Wesleyan holiness tradition.
Prerequisite Courses

THEO4535: Christian Theology I

Credits 3

An advanced systematic study of the Christian faith from a Wesleyan perspective, with particular reference to historical development and contemporary understanding. The subjects include theological methodology, revelation and inspiration, the trinitarian God, humanity, and sin.

Prerequisite Courses

Program admission

THEO4545: Christian Theology II

Credits 3

An advanced systematic study of the Christian faith from a Wesleyan perspective, with particular reference to historical development and contemporary understanding. The subjects include Christology, soteriology, pneumatology, Christian ethics, and eschatology.

Prerequisite Courses

Program admission

THEO4905: Senior Capstone in Ministry

Credits 1
The course evaluates how students in the online Christian Ministry program have integrated theology and ministry practice through the use of case studies. The case studies will provide a context for faculty to assess whether students have integrated the university outcomes in their understanding of Christian ministry.
Program admission.

THEO6094: Topics in Theology

Credits 3 4
This course introduces interdisciplinary material in Theology of particular relevance to the core curriculum. Topics may vary. May be repeated for a different topic.

THEO6290: Engaging with Prophetic Voices: Theology and the Christian Life

Credits 4
Students reflect theologically on life and ministry by exploring various sources of theological reflection. In particular, dominant themes and figures in contemporary theology are explored, especially voices and perspectives that are often overlooked. In this exploration, students compare and contrast distinctive characteristics of Wesleyan theology, including various understandings of holiness, with issues found in contemporary theology. This course explores issues of holiness and justice and how the Church can better live into the reign of God for all and not just those in power.

THEO6599: Independent Study

Credits 3 4
Study of an assigned topic or guided research as directed by a graduate faculty member. Approval of department director required.

THEO6860: Issues in Christian Theology

Credits 3

This course explores theological issues pertaining to the classical doctrines of the Wesleyan tradition, with particular reference to historical development and contemporary understanding. The subjects include theological methodology, revelation and inspiration, God, humanity, sin, theodicy, and holiness. (Only students in the Five-Year Pastor-Scholar Program are eligible to take this course.)

THEO7560: Christian Theology I: Central Issues

Credits 3
Students will explore the theological issues pertaining to the classical doctrines of the Wesleyan tradition. This exploration will focus upon the main characteristics of the nature of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the human person, sin, salvation, the Christian life, the Church and sacraments, and eschatology.

THEO7960: Christian Theology II: Holiness and Contemporary Theology

Credits 3
Students will reflect theologically on life and ministry by exploring various sources of theological reflection. In particular, dominant themes and figures in contemporary theology will be explored. In this exploration, students will compare and contrast distinctive characteristics of Wesleyan theology, including various understandings of holiness, with issues found in contemporary theology.

THEO9210: Introduction to Online Theological Research

Credits 3

This course orients the student to aspects of online graduate education, with specific attention to expectations and requirements of students in an advanced theological program. The course also introduces the student to theological research, with a focus on the use of online resources. Students will take this course during the first summer in the program.

THEO9210S: Introducción a la Investigación Teológica en Línea

Credits 3

Este curso orienta al estudiante en aspectos de educación de postgrado en línea, con atención especial a las expectativas y requerimientos del estudiante en un programa de educación teológica avanzada. El curso también introduce al estudiante a la investigación teológica, con un enfoque en el uso de los recursos en línea. Los estudiantes tomarán este curso durante el primer verano del programa. 

THEO9240: Theological Method and Contextualization

Credits 4

This course explores the issues of “theological method,” particularly through a Wesleyan perspective. It asks the question, what is religious truth and how do we obtain it? It also seeks to navigate between theology that is universal and theology in a particular context, and offers various models for this relationship. It also investigates the relationship between the Church and culture.

THEO9240S: Método Teológico y Contextualización

Credits 4

Este curso explora los asuntos o temas del “método teológico,” particularmente desde la perspectiva Wesleyana. Presenta la interrogante: ¿Qué es la verdad religiosa y cómo obtenerla? También procura navegar entre la teología que es universal y la teología en un contexto particular, a la vez que ofrece varios modelos de la relación entre éstas. También investiga la relación entre Iglesia y cultura. 

THEO9310S: Dios e Iglesia en la Investigación Teológica Latina Contemporánea

Credits 4

Este curso examina la literatura reciente en la discusión de la doctrina de Dios en relación con la Iglesia, enfocándose en lo que la Iglesia ha estado enseñando sobre el lenguaje teológico y los atributos de Dios, mientras la Iglesia busca comprenderse a sí misma con respecto a la misión de Dios. Se prestará especial atención a estos temas desde una perspectiva latina/hispana.

THEO9315: God and Church in Recent Theological Inquiry

Credits 4

This course examines recent literature in the discussion of the doctrine of God as it relates to the Church, focusing on what the Church has been saying about theological language and God’s attributes, as the Church seeks to understand herself with respect to the mission of God.

THEO9900: Dissertation Proposal

Credits 3

This directed study course includes the selection of the dissertation topic, the identification of the methodology to be employed in the dissertation process, the composition of the dissertation proposal with initial outline and bibliography, and the selection of the reading committee.

THEO9900S: Propuesta de Tesis

Credits 3

Este curso de estudio dirigido incluye la selección del tópico de la tesis, la identificación de la metodologíaٕ que va a ser empleada en el proceso de tesis, la composición de la propuesta de tesis con un bosquejo inicial y bibliografía, y la selección del comité de lectura. 

THEO9910: Dissertation Research I

Credits 3

This directed study course includes the initial stages of research and the review of relevant literature/scholarship under the supervision of the dissertation advisor. 

Prerequisite Courses

THEO9910S: Investigación de Tesis I

Credits 3

Este curso de estudio dirigido incluye la etapa inicial de la investigación, y la revisión de la literatura relevante y material académico de alto nivel, bajo la supervisión del mentor de tesis. 

Prerequisite Courses

THEO9920: Dissertation Research II

Credits 3

This directed study course is a continuation of THEO9910. Dissertation Research I, including the stages in writing portions of the dissertation, under the supervision of the dissertation advisor. 

Prerequisite Courses

THEO9920S: Investigación de Tesis II

Credits 3

Este curso de estudio dirigido es una continuación de THEO9910S, Investigación de Tesis I. Incluye las diferentes etapas en la escritura de cada porción de la tesis, bajo la supervisión del mentor de tesis. 

Prerequisite Courses

THEO9990: Dissertation Defense

Credits 1

This directed study course includes final revisions and an oral defense of the dissertation. Students must obtain written permission from the dissertation advisor in order to register for this course.

THEO9990S: Defensa de Tesis

Credits 1

Este curso de estudio dirigido incluye las revisiones finales y la defensa oral de la disertación. El estudiante candidato debe obtener un permiso por escrito de su asesor de tesis para poder inscribirse en este curso.