Master of Arts in Teaching

Master of Arts in Teaching: Elementary Education

Accelerated Certification in Education M.A.T.


The mission of the Education Department at Northwest Nazarene University is to be a Christ-centered unit that develops capable, compassionate educators who are determined and prepared to meet the educational needs of K-12 students in a changing world.

Program Goals

Goals for NNU's education programs are articulated in the department conceptual framework, the Learner-Centered CORE.

Learning Objectives

Outcomes for Northwest Nazarene University's Accelerated Certification in Education are aligned with the Idaho Core Teaching Standards, based on INTASC Standards.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Teacher candidates (NNU students in the Education Department) will demonstrate knowledge of learners, learner development and learner differences, thus creating environments conducive to learning for all students. (InTASC 1-3)
  2. Teacher candidates will demonstrate content knowledge and pedagogical best practices based on content connections and needs of varied learners. (InTASC 4-5)
  3. Teacher candidates will plan, deliver, and assess instruction. Candidates will make data-based decisions based on student learning, utilizing frequent formative assessment strategies. (InTASC 6-8)
  4. Teacher candidates will engage in continuous and collaborative professional growth focused on improving P-12 student learning. (InTASC 9-10)  

This major is designed for individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree in any discipline and desire to become an elementary licensed teacher. Start in the Fall semester and student teach the following Fall. Training in all aspects of education to include lesson planning, classroom management, how the brain learns, and teaching in a diverse classroom will equip teacher candidates for the classroom in just 12 months of coursework, and one semester of student teaching. In the final semester, each student will enroll in EDUC7688 Elementary Student Teaching, a full-time supervised clinical experience in an elementary school reflecting their certification and endorsement goals.

To be recommended to the State of Idaho for a Standard Instructional Certificate and applicable teaching endorsements, an individual must

  • Successfully complete the MAT curriculum
  • Earn a passing score on the required PRAXIS exam for their endorsement area

Courses in this program are fully online, but may have synchronous video class sessions.  We encourage students to attend these sessions as they are available. Archived sessions are available for review.   Every MAT student will be registered for the approved accreditation and assessment software during EDUC7000 Orientation: ACE Education. There is a fee associated with this course.

In addition to seeking an Educator Credential and Standard Instructional Certificate, Elementary Education candidates will pursue the All-Subjects K-8 endorsement and one Middle Level (grades 5-9) endorsement selected from the fields listed below. 

Middle Level Endorsements, Grade 5-9

  • English Middle Level
  • History Middle Level
  • Mathematics Middle Level
  • Science Middle Level
  • Social Studies Middle Level
  • Other Endorsement Option Middle Level

38-39 credits required in professional education.

Elementary Education, All Endorsements (5-9)

All courses must be taken at the graduate level from Northwest Nazarene University
All Education and Liberal Arts Core Courses require a grade of B- or higher.

Professional Education Core: 12 credits

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Elementary Education Core: 24 credits

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

**Fall Student Teachers will register for EDUC7688 (9) and EDUC7810 (0) in the Fall Semester. Spring Student Teachers will register for EDUC7688 (8) in the Spring Semester and EDUC7810 (1) in the Fall Semester.

Middle Level Endorsement

Idaho Teacher Certification with an All-Subjects K-8 endorsement requires the completion of one Middle Level (grades 5-9) endorsement field, as required by the Idaho State Department of Education.  Endorsement courses require a grade of C, or higher. Content-specific Methods courses are considered part of the Education Core, these courses must be completed at Northwest Nazarene University with a grade of B- or higher: EDUC7659EDUC7658EDUC7657EDUC7664, EDUC7658.

History Middle Level Endorsement (5-9)

Requirements: 20 credits, including 2 credits in methods

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Mathematics Middle Level Endorsement (5-9)

Requirements: 20 credits, including 2 credits in methods

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Science Middle Level Endorsement (5-9)

Requirements: 26 credits, including 2 credits in methods

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Social Studies Middle Level Endorsement (5-9)

Requirements: 20 credits, including 2 credits in methods

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Other Endorsement Options

Additional Endorsements Options (5-9)

Aside from the five endorsement areas listed above, candidates have the flexibility to choose a different endorsement area which NNU is authorized to provide according to the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act (IDAPA). These are listed in the table below. Students must take a minimum of 20 credits, including two credits in methods. Direct specific questions to the program director. 

American Government/Political Science




Computer Science






Physical Education



Visual Arts

World Languages


Program Admission Requirements

Upon completion of general education requirements, the Accelerated Certification in Education Program requires a full calendar year of coursework, plus one complete university semester of full-time student teaching in a variety of approved Idaho public schools. In addition, students will complete approximately 100 hours of course-specific field experience in an approved public school during the program. Field experience placements are determined by the program. A cohort model is used in the program with new cohorts beginning fall semesters.

Admission to the Accelerated Certification in Education Program requires the following items:

  1. Interview
  2. Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  3. Writing Sample
  4. Disposition Assessment
  5. Praxis Content Knowledge Assessments (provisionally accepted without passing scores)

The Accelerated Certification in Education Program will not admit candidates into the teacher preparation program that have

  • Previously been denied an Institutional Recommendation (IR) for teacher certification
  • Received a grade in internship or student teaching which resulted in not obtaining an Institutional Recommendation from another institution
  • Withdrew, or were removed from, an internship or student teaching experience
  • Previously been dismissed from a teacher preparation program

Certification Requirements

To receive an institutional recommendation to the Idaho State Department of Education for an institutional certificate with an endorsement candidate must meet the following standards:

  1. Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution.
  2. Completion of requirements of the educator preparation program in effect at the time of admission to teacher education and any additional requirements if required by changes in the standards of state regulatory agencies.
  3. Completion of all education courses with a grade of B- (2.7) or better.
  4. Completion of Middle-level endorsement courses with a grade of C or better.
  5. Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  6. Sufficient score on the PRAXIS Elementary Education Content Knowledge Multiple Subjects test (#5001).
  7. Sufficient score on the PRAXIS for the middle level endorsement field.

Completing Northwest Nazarene University's teacher education program will enable a candidate to be recommended for certification in Idaho. Candidates seeking certification in other states should consult that state's Department of Education for additional requirements.  Deviations from the teaching major or certification requirements must be authorized by the program director.

MAT, Elementary Education – Checkpoint Process

  • Checkpoint 1: Midterm of First Semester of Professional Education Classes - Admission to Educator Preparation Program
    Application for admission to teacher education should be made during the first semester in the Accelerated Certification in Elementary Education. Decision factors about admission to the program include: oral interview, cumulative GPA (3.0), grade of B- or better in all education and liberal arts core courses, grade of C or better in all middle level endorsement courses, field experience reports, PRAXIS Elementary Education Content Knowledge Multiple Subjects test scores, and disposition assessments. No person convicted of a felony will be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program.
  • Checkpoint 2: End of First Semester - Admission to Teaching Methods Courses
    Upon completion of the first semester of coursework, candidates' file will be evaluated.  Decision factors about proceeding in the Accelerated Certification in Education Program include: PRAXIS Content Knowledge test scores in the first content field/area, cumulative GPA (3.0), grade of B- or better in all education courses, grade of C or better in all endorsement content courses, field experience reports, and disposition assessments.
  • Checkpoint 3: During Second Semester - Admission to Student Teaching 
    Upon completion of the second semester of coursework, candidates' files will be evaluated. Decision factors about proceeding in the Accelerated Certification in Elementary Education include: successful completion of the Checkpoint 1 & 2 requirements, PRAXIS Middle School content area test scores, cumulative GPA (3.0), grade of B- or better in all education and liberal arts core courses, grade of C or better in all middle level endorsement courses, field experience reports, and disposition assessments. Candidates will not be permitted to student teach without passing all required PRAXIS exams.
  • Checkpoint 4: Program Completion and Recommendation for Certification
    Upon completion of student teaching, candidates' performance will be evaluated. Decision factors about recommendation for certification include successful completion of all Checkpoint requirements, achieving a Basic or Proficient level of performance on all 22 elements on the Danielson Framework for Teaching, evaluated by NNU supervisors, and receiving a grade of A or B in Student Teaching.

Academic Standing and Dismissal

  • Candidates must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to remain in good standing in the Accelerated Certification in Education Program. 
  • If a candidate drops below a cumulative GPA of 3.0, the candidate will receive a warning letter from the program director and will be placed on academic probation for the duration of one 16-week program semester.  Academic probation includes an academic plan for improvement created collaboratively and signed by the candidate and the program director. 
  • If the cumulative GPA at the end of the probationary semester falls below the required 3.0, or if the candidate fails to meet the requirements of the academic improvement plan, the candidate may be academically dismissed from the program.  Candidates are notified of academic dismissal by the program director in writing.
  • Candidates must pass all education classes and liberal arts core courses with a grade of B- or better.  Candidates who do not pass a class with a B- or better must re-enroll in the course and pass the class with a B- or better in order for the class to contribute toward graduation/certification requirements.  
  • Candidates must complete all middle level endorsement with a grade of C or better.
  • Candidates must demonstrate appropriate content knowledge, demonstrated by passing all required Praxis tests. Candidates may take the same Praxis test twice. If the candidate does not pass on the second attempt, the candidate will inform the director and an academic improvement plan will be created collaboratively and signed by the student and the program director. If the candidate fails to meet the requirements of the academic improvement plan, the candidate may be academically dismissed from the program.  Candidates are notified of academic dismissal by the program director in writing.
  • Candidates must demonstrate appropriate dispositions for teaching outlined by the program: communication, relationships, social-emotional presence, professional commitment, advocacy, and cognitive processing. Data from dispositions is gathered through Checkpoint interviews, Field Experience teacher evaluations, education department faculty, other faculty, coursework, and student teaching observations. If a candidate demonstrates areas of improvement needed in dispositions, an improvement plan will be created collaboratively and signed by the student and the program director. Candidates may be dismissed from the program based on unfavorable disposition report data if candidates do not demonstrate acceptable levels of improvement in identified areas of deficiency.
Total Credits